Team A12 – CO2(Carbon tool)


School Name: The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College

Team Members: Chui Hui Hin, Lao Wang Fai, Mo Chun Wa, Yeung Ng Sheung, Yip Wang Hin


Theme: Be Carbon-neutral

Project Name: CO2(Carbon tool)

Target Group: People living and working in Kowloon East

Problem Statement: The Global carbon emission is increasing year by year. This intensifies global warming and other natural hazards, making many lives lost

Solution: Design an app to help track our carbon footprint and give suggestions to users. Users can input their actions so that the app can help track their carbon emissions. Moreover, there are also other features that can help users reduce carbon emissions, for example, the “knowledge” and “connect” functions