Team A04 – AidRiders : Electric bus wheelchair slanting board


School Name: Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College

Team Members: Amy Zhang, Andy Ng, Hadrian Chan, Matthew Zhou, Parco Leung, Yoyo Yip

Theme: Rethink Urban Mobility

Project Name: Electric bus wheelchair slanting board

Target Group: Disabled and elderly people (wheelchair users)

Problem Statement:The time-consuming and bothersome process of the bus driver having to repeatedly remove and replace the wheelchair ramp or board to accommodate wheelchair users so It will took a lot of time.

Solution: We are developing an app that will allow people with disabilities to notify bus drivers in advance, ensuring that necessary facilities are ready when they arrive. In addition, we are implementing an automatic boarding ramp system so that bus drivers don’t have to deploy it manually every time.